This is going to be a mushy love story post so if you don’t like reading about happiness, you’ve been warned.

The devotion the Captain and I had yesterday was titled "
The Meaning of Rings”. I found it very fitting that it just so happened to be Valentine’s Day this week and what better way to celebrate it than this.
So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.” Matthew 19:6
My favorite part of my wedding was exchanging our rings and vows.
“This ring I give you, as a symbol and pledge of my constant and abiding love.”
Symbol: Something representing something else by association.
Pledge: A solemn promise to do or not do something.
We exchanged vows and we exchanged rings. Those rings are more than just jewelry. They are a symbol and a promise to each other. They are a constant reminder of the vows I made to my husband and to God. They are not fancy, they are not expensive, but what they are is
ours. Those simple rings make us a set, my husband and I. A matching set that God Himself picked out carefully and we should not forget He

knows what He has planned for us, even if we can’t see it yet. As a part of our devotional yesterday, we were to find our wedding vows and read them to each other again. I can’t tell you the joy this brought both of us. For me, it was a powerful moment, remembering just how much I loved him when I wrote mine, but realizing just how much
MORE I love him today.
Since we didn’t have anyone other than our children at our wedding, I thought I’d share our vows today, with our friends and family. Our way to celebrate Valentine’s Day with everyone and a way to share our love with you.
Captain’s Vow to his bride
I feel I started living the day I met you, and I will spend the rest of my life making up for our lost time. I have never felt the way I do when I’m with you. Every day I find new ways that show me that we were meant to be together. Your strength, your vulnerability, your stability and your support of my dreams make me feel I can accomplish anything.
Whether it’s finding paradise in a small town, living simply and raising our children, or planning our future sailing into the unknown and living as most people wish they could.
You are the shelter for my soul, you heal me when I lost control. Only you know who I really am, and only you understand.
You make my life complete, for you are now and forever my wife. I love you for everything you are, and for everything you are not. I will build my life around you, support and encourage you, heal you when you are sick and keep you from harm. I promise to never grow up and to never take you for granted, to love you more today than yesterday, and like there is no tomorrow.
Admiral’s Vow to her groom
Steve, today I give you my heart and soul because you have earned it. They have been enriched and brightened since you came into my life; by your love and your laughter, by the touch of your hand and the smile of your eyes, by your strength, your compassion and your kindness.

Today I give you all of who I am because you have earned it. I am, in every thought of my heart, completely and forever, yours. I will be with you always, growing in love day by day, hour by hour. Never above you, never below you, always beside you.
Today I give you my love, all of my love because you have earned it. Multiply it by infinity, take it to the depth of forever and you’ll still only have a glimpse of how much I love you.
Today I give you my heart, my love, my soul. I give you me….because you have earned it. You will now and forever be my husband. I love you for everything that you are, everything that you are not, and everything that you will become.

So now we’re busy planning our future, sailing into the unknown and living as most people wish they could. Happy Valentine’s to all our friends and family. We send our love and our blessings. May God shine His love upon you on this day of love. He is where all love begins and ends.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
~ The Admiral