Having to spend my week off school on a 41’ yacht, at the beach, jet skiing, parasa

iling, boating, biking, swimming and fishing was rough, let me tell you. Getting out of Missouri and hanging with my family on No Más was awesome. We crammed in so much in a short time. Mom had to bring Gma’s car back from Arkansas so she flew in to get it and picked me up. We drove all the way from Missouri to Florida. Mom made me listen to her audio books but I’ll admit, one wasn’t bad. It was about an ex-Duke bball player turned detective kinda guy. Lots of sports and fighting….pretty cool. When we finally got to the boat, we left the marina and motored to Captiva. The sails and some of the rigging still need to be fixed so we just motored, which was cool because No Más has a turbo engine and if you get it going fast enough, will actually plane! A 41’ 14 ton boat, with the nose rising out of the water…….sweeeeet!

Captiva is a really cool island. It has the "No shirt, no shoes, no problem" vibe. Everyone is laid back, almost everyone there is on vacation, and there is a lot to do (and a lot of bikinis). Since Dad runs the bikes, I got to bike around a lot. We took a golf cart out one day and went down to see the big marina. There was a 101’ yacht down there that was amazing! It was called To’Kalon and I can’t imagine what it would be like to live on that thing. They had their own crew in matching shirts and their own jet skis.

My sister wants to work on super yacht like that when she’s older. Can you imagine Dani captain of a 100’ ship?!?! She’d probably need a stepstool! lol

We went parasailing too. I think that was the most awesome thing I have ever done. It was surprisingly quiet once you got up there. We saw a sea turtle swimming and mom saw a shark. You can see almost the whole island and we even saw our boat. The driver lowered us down twice to dip us in the water only to speed up so we would go up again. It was amazing and not at all scary. If you ever have the chance to go parasailing – I
really recommend it!! It didn’t hurt
that we had some cute girls along with us taking our pictures for us.
The girls that went with us |

I took a bike up to the North end one day and rode jet skis. It is so much fun jumping the big waves from the Gulf and from the big boats. I could have stayed out there all day. I think if I ever live on a boat, I’d have a jet ski as my dinghy. Then I could ride it all day just for fun.
So all in all, my trip was really great. I like No Más much better than The Dreamer. Mainly because it’s huge compared to Dreamer but also because it feels more like home. I really liked getting to spend time with Grandma too. I don’t get to see her much and she’s a lot of fun. I think she might be getting more crazy the older she gets. lol
It was good to see everyone else too. Ralph, Sophie, Mom and Dad - Dani never grows and Jake is still Jake.

Oh yeah and we had some really pretty sunsets too. Now back to school and basketball – till next time
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